5 Key Points For Creating Your Dream Body for Summer


 We have now hit November which means SUMMER is just around the corner! Here are 5 points to take into consideration if you are serious about creating your dream body. Just remember, it’s not going to happen by itself, it will be hard work but in the end it will be worth it and you may wish you started last month.. so what are you waiting for!?

Proper Nutrition.

Key to success. Nourishing your body is such a vital element without it you will not achieve very much. Eating a clean and lean diet are the building blocks within your organs as well as making sure your drink 2-3 litres of water per day. How do you eat clean and lean? Read < here >.

Intense, Short & Sweet Training.

Yes we can all use the excuse ‘I don’t have time’, this means make time for short and sweet workouts! If you increase the intensity of your workouts you will achieve a much better result then working at 60% for longer. This is done through three types of training.

HIIT Training.

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. It has become the new favourite of many instructors due to the killer workout and great results. It is one of those forms of training you will have a love hate relationship with; they are painful but you will start to see results if you stick to it. HIIT training requires short bursts of energy with rest periods to create maximum results.

Resistance Training.

No you are not going to turn in Arnold if you lift. It is one of the best ways to increase your metabolism and tone your muscles instead of having flab. (we all don’t want that!)

Cardiovascular Endurance Training.

Get your heart pounding, sweat dripping workouts into your routine at least 3 times a week. Cardio is one of the best ways to increase your heart rate and to stimulate your metabolism for the rest of the day.

Mix it up.

Never make your weekly routine the same! It is so important to mix it up so your body doesn’t become comfortable with stable routines. If you continually surprise your muscles and mind you will get better results by the end!


We are all guilty of finishing a workout and in a desperate need to get home ASAP. Your muscles will hate you for this! Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) will hit you and this will make your workouts counterproductive and you won’t be at your best for your workout the next day. There are many ways to stretch after a workout; using a roller, holding common stretches or attending Yoga classes. It is important to set aside at least one workout per week just to stretching (I usually add some abs too).

Morning Workouts.

Make the most out of your day by getting up an hour earlier and waking up your body with a killer workout. This will stimulate your metabolism, get your blood pumping and leave you feeling energised for the rest of the day and it won’t leave you to think of an excuse to avoid your afternoon workout – you’ve already done it! But remember your in on this for a reason .. CHALLENGE YOURSELF! Fasted morning walks are one of the best ways to burn fat so move it! (but make sure your have an espresso shot first!

Personal Time.

Another thing we are guilty of avoiding, setting aside time for yourself. I find it best to get up 15 minutes earlier to do some yoga to wake my body up slowly. This also gives me time to release the mind of any worries i have and just focus on the now; otherwise known as mindfulness.

KB xx

“Push your limits and enjoy the challenge”

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