Do you struggle to get out of bed?

Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Do you have good intentions but somehow manage to press snooze? What are your goals? How are you going to achieve them?

It is all up to you, you have to put in the hard yards to get results, you have push yourself to your limits, you have keep going when you want to stop and you have to get out of bed when it is cold and raining outside… why? because ‘Destiny waits for no man.. so rise and shine’. Continue reading

5 Key Points For Creating Your Dream Body for Summer


 We have now hit November which means SUMMER is just around the corner! Here are 5 points to take into consideration if you are serious about creating your dream body. Just remember, it’s not going to happen by itself, it will be hard work but in the end it will be worth it and you may wish you started last month.. so what are you waiting for!?

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Healthy lifestyle in Thailand – YES its possible!



If its your hearts desire to live a relatively healthy lifestyle, it is possible in most places around the world; even in Thailand, with no footpaths and predominantly deep fried street food. This doesn’t mean that you have to be harsh on yourself, go to the gym everyday and only eat home cooked meals. Its about having a balance. If you only go to the gym 4 times a week, your still keeping your body physical and mind healthy. Continue reading