Tips for exercising when you are travelling!

If we all did the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves. – Thomas Edison

Keeping your blood pumping, heart thumping, lungs working even while travelling on the other side of the world is essential to maintaining a happy and healthy body, mind and soul. Need some motivation? Here’s a few of my tips…. Continue reading

Taking vitamins while on the road

vitaminsFrom experience i know its hard to stay ‘healthy’ while on the road. Yes, there are often many vegetable options, but its part of the experience to try traditional foods in different countries. In Thailand for example, the majority of street food is deep fried or based on rice or noodles and for someone like myself with an incredibly slow metabolism its not ideal. However, if you manage to get non-deep fried vegetables here they are often very fresh; bought from the local markets that morning. This doesn’t mean your getting all you daily vitamin and mineral requirements.

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Travelling with Gadgets!

So your heading out on road, contemplating which gadgets to take with you? You can start of with 2 questions – purpose and duration of travel?

Music, photos, movies, communication; what are you using technology for while on the road? As my road doesn’t end, i’m out travelling the world on a one-way ticket i guess i could say i’m pretty gadget up; travelling with many items but for me they all have a different purpose.  Continue reading

Advantages and disadvantages of travelling solo


Crazy, brave, strong willed, ambitious, lonely, adventurous. These are just some of the names i got when i decided to leave the nest and travel solo. Most people do say i’m crazy and brave, but when your on the road, exploring the world you realise how small the world really is and how it really isn’t that intimidating at all. Thats not to say it isn’t hard to travel by yourself; of course it is, sometimes it does get lonely and you long for a cuddle from a familiar, friendly face; however here are some advantages on rocking the world; solo style.  Continue reading