The Latest and Greatest Diet!


Choc Goji Protein Ball

Woweee I am so excited to announce the latest and greatest diet trend that everyone loves and is seeing fantastic results! Wait for it, wait for it …. no its not like the Atkins, Skinny Me Tea, Paleo, Lemon Detox, Weight Watchers or another diet on the market today. This so called diet is for overall health and wellbeing! Ok I am going to scrap the word ‘diet’, man i hate that word for many reasons but the main being that people perceive a diet to be where they either starve themselves or limit themselves to only specific foods and for it to be a temporary quick fix! I think this is mad!

The best way to ‘loose weight’, ‘tone up’ or ‘gain muscle’ is all about Continue reading

Taking vitamins while on the road

vitaminsFrom experience i know its hard to stay ‘healthy’ while on the road. Yes, there are often many vegetable options, but its part of the experience to try traditional foods in different countries. In Thailand for example, the majority of street food is deep fried or based on rice or noodles and for someone like myself with an incredibly slow metabolism its not ideal. However, if you manage to get non-deep fried vegetables here they are often very fresh; bought from the local markets that morning. This doesn’t mean your getting all you daily vitamin and mineral requirements.

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